Here are a couple of fun (IMHO) images that I put together a few weeks ago .
The first relates directly to this blog. It is a montage, collage, mash-up, whatever, of a large number of magazines in our collection. It comes without a "key" so you are on your own if you can't identify someone. It is large enough to be used as wallpaper, but frankly, it would drive me crazy trying to pick out a program icon sitting on top of it. Hope you enjoy looking.
The second image is film related, but not tied to an actress or era. You are looking at some title screens for films in our library. I use a program called DVDpedia to catalog our collection. It is a Mac only program, but there is a similar program on the PC side called MediaMan. One of the best things about these programs is that to add a film, you enter the name in the search field and it goes out to Amazon, IMDB and a number of other sources and downloads all the information about the film into the database. However, especially for older and obscure films, images are not downloaded (films on DVD usually return the cover image of the DVD), so I do a screen capture of the title screen and drop that in. Two things; it shows my passion for old B-movies, and that I clearly have too much free time. How many of these films have you seen? It could be a decent number if you like old films and have TCM on cable. :-)
Those are quite good. Thanks. I think I'll resize one so that my icons will fit around the edges. Appreciate your efforts.
That is pretty awesome. How long does it take you to screen capture and drop them in? Also are some of those titles films DVR'ed off of TCM? If they are all on DVD I would love to find a copy of Streets of Chance and some of the others!
I use Cyberlink PowerDVD (it came with the PC) for playback because it has never failed in doing a frame capture - just hit the capture button as its playing and done. You can also do that with the free VLC player. Many of the films are indeed from TCM, but the film you mention specifically came from the seller "emoviez" on ebay. He (she?) has quite a selection of early titles.
Cool - thanks for the info!
I love the screen capture as cover image idea! Looks great.
Very cool!
Lovely collages. I'm sad to say I could only pick out a handful of ladies in the first collage. And I've seen 20 minutes of one movie from the second collage! Shame on me!
Raquelle, It probably just means I'm older. :-)
so many blondes, but of course. I'm sure I used to know many of their names. I also saw many of the movies. With my memory I can watch them again and it is just like seeing them for the first time. I love your images. Great collection.
This is great! Thanks so much for doing this.
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